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What are the advantages of LEDs?

leuchtende Glühbirnen

Dajana Prvulovic

"Because of cold, unnatural and sterile - LEDs are now the lamp of choice and offer far more advantages over conventional incandescent lamps than just good energy efficiency. The light -emitting diodes or in English light emitting diodes are semiconductors that create light when electricity flows and become In more and more lights - we will tell you in this post what benefits the modern LED technology brings you. "

Advantage 1: Saving energy with LED lighting

Up to 90% of electricity costs can be saved with LEDs compared to light bulbs, since these require significantly less energy - the slightly higher acquisition costs are quickly compensated for again. Additionally sink Due to the high energy efficiency the CO2 emissionswhat benefits the environment. With LED lamps you not only protect your wallet, but also the environment.

Advantage 2: LEDs are particularly durable

If you buy a new lamp, it should of course also last a long time - with an LED lamp, you are on the safe side when it comes to lifespan. With up to 50,000 hours an LED lamp is much more durable than a conventional lamp with only up to 5,000 hours. Depending on the daily light duration, you should be able to use your lighting for more than 10 years, also thanks to the Switching resistance. By the way, they also cause this less waste, because you don't have to exchanged your LED lamp and dispose of old people.

Advantage 3: Countless colors & Color temperatures thanks to LED technology

In the past, they were still considered uncomfortable, cold and therefore not suitable for living rooms, so this picture has long since changed. There is now LED lighting no longer just in cold white, but in almost all conceivable colors. Usually you don't even have to decide here when you buy whether you prefer colorful lights, warm white or cold white, because LEDs can be adjusted in your color temperature. With LED lights, a cozy atmosphere for the evening can be created as well as light light for working or a relaxing wellness lighting for the bathroom.

Advantage 4: No heating of the LED lamps

Once a light is longer, you can often no longer touch it because the illuminant gets extremely hot - not so with LEDs. These have only one low heat developmentWhich also offers you more flexibility when placing LED lamps. Whether near a piece of furniture, a curtain or similar furnishings, you do not have to fear any risk of fire for modern LED lights.

Advantage 5: Diverse lighting designs through compact LEDs

Not only the luminaires designers themselves should be particularly pleased with this LED lamps, but they also have thanks to the very compact design Form much more selection of lamps today. LEDs are essential unobtrusive, smaller and can also be arranged flexibly, which revolutionized the design of lights - so nowadays are very narrow and thin LED strips available, which would not have been possible with conventional lamps.

All advantages of LEDs again at a glance

Why LEDs are on the rise and more and more customers are opting for this lamp, is probably due to these many advantages compared to conventional light bulbs. Here you will get an overview of the LED lamps advantages:

  • Sparingly and efficient with up to 90% energy savings
  • High service life: up to 50,000 hours
  • Available or adjustable in a wide variety of light colors and temperatures
  • Environmentally friendly thanks to reduced CO2 emissions
  • Less waste from old lamps due to the longevity
  • Diverse lighting design options thanks to the compact design
  • Switching resistance
  • Thanks to low heat development, more flexible positioning of the lights possible