Welche Pendelleuchte Büro passt am besten zu meinem Arbeitsbereich?
In diesem Artikel zeigen wir Dir, welche Pendelleuchten Du perfekt in Deinem Arbeitsbereich integrieren kannst. Viel Spaß beim Lesen!
"Efficient working not only depends on individual performance, but is also primarily a question of light. Our eyes need the right brightness to be able to perform tasks such as reading, writing, drawing or screen work correctly without being unnecessarily strained. In addition, light has a demonstrable effect on the ability to concentrate and well-being at the workplace and is therefore a basic requirement for appropriate office equipment or the home office area. In this blog post, we show you what you should pay attention to when it comes to workplace lighting, based on the four components of ergonomic workplace lighting."
So-called ergonomic workplace lighting means optimally adapted lighting that also takes into account the resilience of the human body. In the case of lighting, of course, this mainly affects our eyes, which can have a negative impact on our health if we work for too long under the wrong lighting conditions. Such a optimal workplace lighting consists of four areas are made up: The direct and indirect lightingthe daylight and the task light itself.
When choosing an office or home office space, a room with a window and therefore natural daylight should always be used if possible - this is a top priority. It not only ensures the absorption of vitamin D and thus lifts our mood, but also has a natural effect on our well-being. Only those who ultimately find their workplace pleasant will be motivated and enjoy their work.
With the Placement of the desk you should then ensure that it to the side of the window and that the light does not come from behind or in front. Otherwise the daylight could interfere with the screen or dazzle you directly. It is also important to avoid too much direct sunlight, as this could be too harsh for the eyes and dazzling. We recommend a simple glare protection on the window.
Daylight plays a very important role overall in workplace lighting, but cannot remain the only component, as it changes depending on weather conditions and the time of day and season. For this reason, ergonomic workplace lighting consists of three further areas.
Ergonomic workplace lighting is then completed with a classic desk lamp for targeted lighting of documents or similar. Depending on the intended use and activity, the setting options as there are many different versions, from very simple to fully adjustable and rotatable task lights. It is also important to position them correctly in the home office or in the office, whereby you can adjust your desk lamp on the right for left-handers and on the left for right-handers right-handed - this way you avoid an annoying cast shadow.
For direct desk lighting, it is then advisable to universal white light with 3,300 to 5,300 Kelvin or even a daylight white light color between 5,300 and 6,400 Kelvin. These two color temperatures prevent symptoms of fatigue at the workplace and have a more objective and sober effect. In addition to the color, the brightness of a desk lamp for workplace lighting should also be taken into account, whereby 400 to 500 lumens as a guideline.
For sufficient basic brightness, the direct lighting from the ceiling is indispensable. Depending on the size of the room, several ceiling lamps are usually required to meet the requirements for ergonomic workplace lighting with sufficient illuminance. LED spotlights, cable or track systems, fluorescent tubes or classic ceiling lamps can be used here.
A suitable level of brightness for healthy young workers can be achieved with lamps with 500 lux, whereas slightly older people with weakened eyes tend to require a lux level of 750 to 1500 lux at the workplace. However, a more precise distinction can be made depending on the activity: 500 to 750 lux for reading or writing and even 1,000 to 2,000 lux for very fine work such as technical drawing.
In order to achieve these lux figures for sufficient brightness at the workplace, you should, in addition to indirect and direct general lighting an additional direct light source as a supplement. This light should then focus directly on the desk area and can be a wall lamp or floor lamp, for example. When positioning it, you should again ensure that there is no glare by installing it to the side of the desk.
For general lighting in the room, you should generally use a mix of direct and indirect light should be used. Indirect lighting at the workplace has the advantage that it glare-free as it is reflected by ceilings or walls and does not shine directly into the room. For example, wall lights, ceiling washlights or pendant lights with shades can be used for this purpose.
In this way, both physiological glare and psychological glare can be prevented. The former refers to the actual reduction in visual function caused by looking directly into a light source. Psychological glare, on the other hand, is the subjective feeling of disturbance, which also interferes with work in the office and home office.
We have put together a brief overview for you here to check once again whether you have actually taken everything into account when planning or redesigning your workplace lighting:
To help you find the right lights for your workplace quickly and easily, click here to go to our skapetze® office lighting . Have fun shopping! If you have any questions, please contact our customer service.