Buy modern 230V 1-phase conductor rails online in our store!
The conductor rail is a simple U-shaped construction through which electricity logically flows. It should be noted that there are busbars for installation or surface mounting.
You can mount several luminaires on the track as required, making them versatile in use. Track systems can be found both in private households and in the commercial sector, e.g. in shop windows. In most cases, the tracks are used as Ceiling lights but they are also conceivable as wall luminaires.
Functionality of the 230V single-circuit conductor rail
What does 1-phase conductor rail mean? This question is very easy to answer.
With a single-circuit track, there is only one built-in copper conductor wire, which means that there is only one switching circuit. This means that you can only switch all the track system lights and/or track (LED) spots on your lighting track on and off together and dim them in the same way.
If you would like to be more flexible in controlling the track and therefore your lighting, you are welcome to contact us via 230V 3-phase track from SLV or 3-phase track 230V from Pro-Light in our store.
However, it should be emphasized that the single-circuit track, even the simple version of the track, is cheaper to purchase.
1-phase conductor rails with skapetze®
Our range offers you a large selection of designer conductor rail systems and associated spare parts from manufacturers such as SLV or Dutch. If you are worried that the track system will not fit into your connections, we can reassure you. You are sure to find the right lighting, as we offer modern, classic and rustic 1-phase track.
You can choose from a wide range of track materials and accessories, for example:
- Metal
- Plastic
- Glass
- Textile
- Ceramics
- and much more.
If you are unsure about track and single-circuit or 3-phase track, don't hesitate to ask our lighting professionals.
You are welcome to visit us in person at Bavaria's largest lighting studio in Simbach a. Gasthof, directly on the B12 between Munich and Passau!
We look forward to your visit and wish you a pleasant stay in our online store!