Buy lamp motion detectors at a top price.

Order high-quality lamp motion detectors in various performance levels in our light shop. We offer high -quality motion detectors for the interior, as well as for the outdoor area. Note: Pay attention to the IP specification for external motion detectors (IP44 - IP65). Whether for the basement, terrace, entrance or garden house, with these sensors the light starts when you need it!

Motion detector for inside & Buy outside

Motion detectors have long been a very practical functional for construction objects of all kinds. LED lamps with motion detectors form a practical symbiosis of lamp and motion detector.

Of course, high -quality motion detectors also form an extremely practical circuit type regardless of the models built together with luminaires.

Movement detector for the interior

In living rooms, motion detectors ensure targeted control of the lighting as soon as someone enters the defined zone area of ​​the detector. Whether in the hallway, in stairwells, in the basement or in the attic. The light only burns as long as the specific living area is also used or someone is there.

Depending on the motion detector type, the fluorescent time can be set individually. The motion detector radius can also be determined individually, so that lights only shine exactly on the area provided. No matter whether private house, office space or trade.

Movement detector for indirect lighting

Motion detectors are also practical in connection with indirect lighting. If the partner has different working hours than yourself, there is far from not to have fixed lighting in the bedroom and everyone is torn from sleep.

A better variant, on the other hand, is to connect the motion detector to an LED strip under the bed and thus create a sequoant basic lighting, which is sufficient to get to the wardrobe, the dressing room or bathroom. The partner can therefore continue to sleep undisturbed.

Motion detectors in the outdoor area

Motion detectors are an important means in the outside area, especially to ensure security. Whether as fall protection, so that paths and steps in the terrace or staircase area are lightly illuminated, or as an effective remedy for burglars.

In the entrance - as soon as the homeowner reaches the home - bollards or floor spots can be switched via motion detectors for outside, as desired.

Motion detector for LED outer lights

LED outer lights with separated motion detectors (LED outside lamps next to the entrance door, motion detector, for example at the corner of the house), also ensure important outside lighting on the facade as soon as you approach the front door. Who would like to search for the key hole at this point?

Buy motion detectors online

Browse through our luminaire shop and find movement detectors for a top price. We always have inexpensive motion detectors that you shouldn't miss.

If you have any questions, our service team will be happy to provide you with and recommend the right motion detector for your desired light.

Now order your motion detector skapetze® - Bavaria's largest light studio!

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