Premium ring pendant lights

LED ring pendant lights are a wonderful way to stage light in the living room, dining room, entrance area or in the stairwell. Whether in black, white, chrome or individually lacquered-to order LED ring pendant lights skapetze® Simply & comfortable. With our light planners, we will be happy to inform you how you can position your ring hanging lamps.

Buy premium ring pendant lights cheap

Hanging lamps in ring shape are a popular way to illuminate the living space or office space evenly. Whether as a dinner lamp, living room light or as an eye-catcher in the bathroom, the possible uses of ring hanging lamps are diverse. The lights also cut a good figure in the gallery, in the bedroom or in the commercial area. Due to their design, the ring lights not only appear airy, the rings are also economical in energy consumption due to their energy-efficient LED technology.

Ring hanging lights

The selection of different ring lights from different manufacturers is as diverse as the applications. There are some ring lights either with direct or indirect lighting or in combination of both. One ring lights are a bit more filigree, while other ring lights set more presence in the design. In combination of different rings, modern chandeliers for your living space are created. But the ring lamps can also be creatively staged as a single lamp.

Smart hanging lights in ring shape

The features of the lights also differ from model to model. Dimmable LED rings, a smart light control or a contactless gesture control make the ring hanging lamps something very special. Depending on the model, the ring lights can be dimmed and controlled via various options. Choose in skapetze® Online shop The variant that suits you best.

Dimmable using a phase section / section

The most popular way of dimming LED rings is the dimension using a phase cut or section. The prerequisite for this is a dimmable ring hang lamp and a built-in LED dimmer. When choosing the right dimmer, your electrician is at your side.

Smart light control via Casambi or Ilight

Dimmable ring hanging lights can be dimmed without installed LED dimmers via the smart light systems Casambi or Ilight. For this purpose, small controllers are built into the canopy of the lamp, which are then controlled via the app, button or remote control. It is important that there is enough space in the canopy for the controller. There are many other lights, lamps and LED strips for both systems so that you can control and dim your whole house with these smart light systems.

Dali technology for LED ring pendant lights

The abbreviation Dali stands for "Digital Addressable Lighting Interface". The cross -manufacturer is used for the control of electrical ballasts for light control. A normal 5-core NYM cable can be used to install the bus system. In addition, DALI control units must be installed that can control DALI-compatible power supplies. With the help of the standard, lights can be controlled individually or in groups. Dali-capable ring lights, such as those of Panzeri or Molto Luce, can be integrated into light control via Dali and controlled via various options.

Ring pendant lights with gesture control

LED rings with smart gesture control can do without additional installation components. The technology with which the ring lights can be controlled by simple gestures has already been installed on the manufacturer. Certain gestures that differ depending on the model change the brightness and/or the light color of the light.

Experience Smart Light systems live

Visit Bavaria's largest light studio in the Lower Bavarian Simbach am Inn and test the various smart control options themselves. Compare selected ring lights with each other and choose your favorites. Our light experts will be happy to help you choose the right LED light and advise you on the smart control options of ring hanging lights or ring blankets.

LED rings in combination

LED ring lights in combination are particularly decorative. Hanging lamps in different sizes or colors can be hung at different heights and combined with each other. With our own brand s.luce Do you have the option of connecting up to 3 ring hanging places on a canopy and thus operating with just one power outlet. Choose between a central suspension for a modern chandelier or an eccentric suspension for freer placement in the room. The manufacturer Panzeri also offers various multiple-takers for individual series that enable the combination of several ring lights.

Your personal light concept

Let yourself be enchanted by the diverse ring lights. In our references you will find some examples of how the modern lights in the private and commercial sector were installed in living rooms, stairwells and galleries. Our competent sales team will be happy to help you choose the right LED rings. We would also be happy to advise you on the design of light throughout the house and garden and create an individually coordinated light concept for you. Talk to us and still arrange your consultation date today.

We look forward to your request!

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Maßgeschneiderte s.luce Ring-Kombinationen

Jede Zusammenstellung wird individuell für Dich angefertigt.

Flexible Kombinationen – Bis zu 6 Ringe pro Baldachin, einzeln oder als stilvolles Ensemble.
Individuelle Aufhängung – Symmetrisch-zentrisch für ein harmonisches Design oder exzentrisch für kreative Freiheit.
Vielfältige Baldachinfarben – Wähle aus Schwarz, Weiß, Gold oder gebürstetem Aluminium – passend zu Deinem Stil.
Moderne Steuerungsoptionen – Dimmbar per Phasenan-/abschnitt, iLight (Fernbedienung), DALI oder Zigbee.
Anschlussfertige Lieferung – Vormontiert nach Deinen Wünschen mit vor Ort anpassbaren Kabellängen.

Perfektioniere Deine Beleuchtung – ganz nach Deinen Vorstellungen!

Ring LED Leuchten für bezauberndes Ambiente