s.luce Velo Glas-Leuchten Serie

Zeitlose Ästhetik mit schwebender Leichtigkeit mit der s.luce Vello-Serie

Die Velo Glas-Pendelleuchten faszinieren durch ihr reduziertes Design und die elegante Transparenz des Glases. Die Kombination aus filigranen Formen und hochwertiger Verarbeitung verleiht jedem Raum eine moderne und luftige Atmosphäre. Perfekt für stilvolle Wohnbereiche, hohe Decken oder kreative Lichtkonzepte.

Velo glass pendant lights - Elegant lightness with flexible design

The Velo glass pendant lights combine minimalist design with high-quality workmanship and versatile application options. Whether as compact version with 150 cm suspension for targeted lighting accents or as a gallery version with 500 cm suspension for large-scale staging - these luminaires impress with their elegant appearance and soft lighting effect.

Velo 150 cm - Discreet elegance for modern rooms

The compact Velo glass pendant luminaire with 150 cm suspension in black is perfect for the dining areakitchen islands or cozy lounges. Its elegant glass design ensures pleasant light diffusion, while the high-quality suspension enables stylish integration into any living concept.

Velo 500 cm - Creative lighting design for high rooms

With a 5 meter long suspension the Velo gallery pendant luminaire offers maximum freedom in the design of individual lighting concepts. Whether in high rooms, modern lofts or as an impressive lighting installation in hotels and restaurants - the floating glass spheres set stylish highlights and create an extraordinary atmosphere.

High-quality glass meets modern design

The Velo pendant lights impress with their minimalist design language and high-quality materials. The combination of filigree glass and an elegant black suspension gives every room an exclusive touch.

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