Human Centric Lighting (HCL)

Human Centric Lighting is abbreviated with the three letters HCL and deals with the effect of lighting on humans. Light not only serves the pure visual orientation, but can also cause moods, for example, or influence human minds. Starting with well-being to concentration and performance to the hormonally controlled wax-sleep rhythm, lighting has a far-reaching effect.

The concept of the Human Centric Lighting then tries to adapt the artificial light to the respective needs in order to achieve the best possible light quality tailored to the individual. The circadian lighting adapted to the daily rhythm of sunlight is part of the HCL approach. But activating, relaxing or emotional lighting settings are also possible to support human health and fitness.

Human Centric Lighting is particularly use in Smart Light systems and in the smart home area, since with these systems a flexible lighting or the mood of humans adapted is possible. The HCL concept can also be implemented only when lights are easy and uncomplicated to adjust, adjust the color and make a lot more with them. The development of Human Centric Lighting is therefore still in full swing.