Spectral colors

The so -called spectral colors include all visible electromagnetic radiation and thus all light of 380nm up to 780nm wavelength. Each wavelength corresponds to a certain spectral color, which includes the overall rainbow colors. Starting with the low wavelengths of violet, increasing and higher too blue, green, yellow and orange up to the highest visible wavelengths of red. All invisible rays such as infrared or UV radiation are then no longer one of the spectral colors.

White light consists of several spectral colors, which can be made visible using a prism. This breaks the light and so it is split into the individual wavelengths and the colors come to light. However, artificial light often does not contain all spectral colors in the same intensity.

So blanket Incandescent lamps With a continuous color spectrum, a variety of colors, however, with fluorescent tubes, some colors are more represented than others and at daylight Dominate the bluish spectral colors. Only LEDs manage to map all spectral colors these days. So every illuminant has a certain one Spectral radiation distribution on, which determines the quality of the color rendering.

Erleuchte Dein Zuhause mit exklusivem Lichtdesign aus Bayern

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