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Maintenance factor

The maintenance factor serves as the basis of the maintenance plan of a lighting system and depends on the operating conditions or wear and tear as well as on the lamps used. This factor must then be determined by the planners and operators, whereby a new value can be calculated as follows: maintenance value = new value x maintenance factor. The determination of a maintenance factor prevents the standardized illuminance below the first maintenance.

Since the maintenance values ​​such as the illumination strength are standardized and must therefore not be undercut, but the maintenance factors to be determined, however, does not occur in any standard, among other things, the exclusion of interior lighting of the German light technology society has determined boundary conditions.

Recommended maintenance factors are therefore:

  • 0.8 for Reinrume or at a low usage time
  • 0.67 for clean rooms and for a 3-year maintenance cycle
  • 0.57 for lighting outdoors
  • 0.5 for lighting that is exposed to heavy pollution

However, these maintenance factors are all very general and generalized, which is why it is sometimes more economical to determine a space -specific maintenance factor. Various factors play a role here.

On the one hand, the lamp exchange interval must be known in order to find out the maintenance factor of the lamp power due to the lamp age and the lamp failure expectation factor. On the other hand, the luminaire cleaning interval is required for determining the light expectation factor, as this influences the pollution. In addition, the maintenance factor of the room is also important, since the surrounding waste also plays a role. If ultimately, many of these factors are known, an individual maintenance factor is recommended, otherwise you take one of the recommended values. 

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