
The performance (Formula sign P) of a lamp is indicated in watts (abbreviated with W). This provides information about the energy or power consumption of a lamp. This unit was named after the Scottish scientist and engineer James Watt, who became known for improving the effects of steam engines. You can remember: the higher the watt number, the more energy is used.

In the past, the watts of values ​​were often used to compare the brightness of lamps, which nowadays hardly provides information due to modern, energy -saving technology. Many years ago there were only a lot of energy consumption, so it was enough to look at the performance in Watt.

Nowadays, however, there have been long energy -saving LED lamps, some of which only need 8 to 9 watts, while a conventional light bulb needs a total of 60 watts for the same brightness. Here it is already clear that a brightness comparison in Watt no longer makes any sense, which is why the lumens are now compared. You can remember the conversion value of approximately 10, that means something like: lumen = watt x 10.

The power in Watt is closely related to the voltage in volt and the current in amperes, since the formula is as follows: watt = volt x amper. These three sizes therefore belong together in a way and with them it can then be calculated, among other things, when the backup flies out, which of course needs to be prevented.

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Lampen und Leuchten, die begeistern!

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