Cabbago-LED design lamp Flatball XXS with app control
With this beautifully shaped model, its full illumination and the atmospheric colors, you quickly create a special feel -good atmosphere in every room. Small, handy and easy to use. The popular table and children's room light flatball XXS is the smallest lamp from the Flatball series. It is also floating and if you don't have a pond or pool but a whirlpool or even a small pool in the garden, you are happy about the "mini version". Flatball XXS is broken, weatherproof, waterproof (IP68) and has a high-quality lithium-ion battery for the energy supply.
To charge the battery, the complete lamp is easily placed on the charging station contained included. The loading time is 6 hours, the luminaire between eight and ten hours, depending on the setting. Flatball XXS can be controlled manually, at the push of a button on the lamp and controlled with the Smartmesh® app. Manual operation: Switch on, six colors and white can be fixed. Two candlelight modes (yellow and blue) and the gentle color change are also manually switchable. Easy use of the Smartmesh® app without further devices and WLAN. Simply connect via Bluetooth to your smartphone and in less than a minute you control your lamp via the app.