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Transformer (transformer)

A transformer is a voltage converter and converts the electricity, for example from Alternating current on Direct current or change the Tension, for example from 230 volt on 24 volts. For the last example, transformers in the lighting often used because with these the Mains voltage of 230 volts (primary side) into small voltage of level 6, 12 or 24 volts (secondary side) can be converted. A transformer is important when a lamp like Low -voltage Halogen lamps need a smaller voltage than the 230 volts coming from the socket or if LEDs need direct current and not the alternating current of the power grid.

There are different types of transformers or transformers. One of them is the network transformer, whose principle is based on induction and a wire is wrapped over an iron core. This conventional transformer technique works with different windings on the so-called primary and secondary side, whereby ring core transformers are often used. The biggest disadvantage of this transformer is the size, since it also requires a large iron core, especially with high performance transmissions. In addition, with such a wrapped core transformer, a slight hum can always be heard.

There is also an electronic transformer, which is a lot more compact and more energy -saving. The built -in electronics works with a higher frequency, which means that the clamping can be implemented more efficiently.

Another transformer art is that LED driverwhich are particularly suitable for LED lamps. The fact that there is only one transformer for LEDs is the sensitivity of their sensitivity in terms of voltage tips and irregularities in the power supply. These can shorten the service life of the LEDs operated with direct current.

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