Think Paper  |  145820

Binky hanging lamps made of cardboard oval

256,00 € RRP 270,00 €
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The Dutch design manufacturer Think Paper specializes in the production of sustainable design lighting with a idiosyncratic character. All lights are made purely self -supporting and therefore appear visually graceful, almost floating in the room. All materials come from responsible forests and are 100% made of renewable raw materials. Only purely biodegradable adhesives are used. Both the paper components and the residues remaining in production are 100% recyclable. The individual elements are produced with the latest and most modern techniques in the Netherlands and mounted and glued by hand with great manual skills. The individual patterns of the specific models have been carefully arranged and have all-round, spiral waves with a light-technical, contrasting effect. All of this makes these lights unique.

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Binky Hängeleuchte aus Pappe oval  Think Paper
Think Paper

Binky hanging lamps made of cardboard oval

189,00 € RRP 200,00 €

The Dutch design manufacturer Think Paper specializes in the production of sustainable design lighting with a idiosyncratic character. All lights are made purely self -supporting and therefore appear visually graceful, almost floating in the room. All materials come from responsible forests and are 100% made of renewable raw materials. Only purely biodegradable adhesives are used. Both the paper components and the residues remaining in production are 100% recyclable. The individual elements are produced with the latest and most modern techniques in the Netherlands and mounted and glued by hand with great manual skills. The individual patterns of the specific models have been carefully arranged and have all-round, spiral waves with a light-technical, contrasting effect. All of this makes these lights unique.


  • Ø 29cm
  • Ø 21cm
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