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Wall lights up and down.

A beautiful wall light up and down for your living area provides sufficient light and is also a visual eye-catcher in your home. Fascinating light effects and high-quality workmanship merge with modern design - at Skapetze you will find a large selection of great wall lights up and down!

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from €59.00* €169.00*
s.LUCE Beam LED wall lamp
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from €139.00* €159.00*
s.LUCE Cusa LED Light Board Wall Light Up&Down
g a

€110.00* €122.00*
Gela LED Outdoor Wall Light Up & Downlight
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Up-Down wall luminaire: lighting with special effects

An Up and Down luminaire makes lighting an interesting eye-catcher and offers unimagined possibilities to play with the effects of light. The creations by s.luce help to create unique compositions.

Up-Down wall lamp: lighting as an eye-catcher

When choosing a lamp, only the size and design of the lampshade play a decisive role for most people. Far too little attention is still paid to the effect of the light. Yet it is precisely this effect that has a decisive influence on the interior and determines the atmosphere. The course of the light can set accents and, in combination with shadows, direct the eye. It can make gradients soft and flowing or draw clear lines and create contrasts.

With an Up and Down luminaire, the effects become even more interesting and versatile. This is because it illuminates the area above and below the lampshade or cover, creating clear cones of light that are decorative eye-catchers thanks to their shape. At the same time, the course of the light can be used to put wall decorations and art in the right light, to set up a reading corner while at the same time illuminating the room or to let the lighting speak for itself.

The light distribution is ideal due to the punctual origin and the straight-line spread, not only to be a highlight itself, but also to create further highlights. The wall luminaires from s.luce provide the ideal basis for this and a few more special features that can change the entire atmosphere of a room at the flip of a light switch.

Up and Down wall luminaire: lighting effects in series

s.luce Beam is a versatile and changeable series that emits soft beams of light up and down or sideways and on both sides. Colour filters create an additional highlight that can illuminate areas to match the mood and give them a special flair.

With s.luce Ixa, there are options for lighting indoors and outdoors. Adjustable inner angles allow the light cone to be adjusted according to mood and need. Wide and illuminating at the top, a narrow strip at the bottom to direct the eye or vice versa - the adjustment opens up new options and can offer individual variety. Colour filters, in turn, have a direct effect on mood.

This leaves the Up and Down wall luminaire s.luce Plinth, which with its interesting concrete base harmoniously matches the urban, industrial and purist style or can achieve an attractive contrast in combination with warm wood and green plants.

Whatever the choice, the s.luce series invite you to create and combine. 

Wall luminaire with LED: modern, economical, versatile

With the Up and Down wall luminaires, you have the best prerequisites for individual creations and combinations. Set individual points of light or create entire rows of luminaires that, when installed in a straight line, have a particularly clear, puristic and modern effect. Are you in the mood for variety? Then play with the colour, direction and width of the light.

Staggered mounting or a stepped progression are just as possible as overlapping cones of light. There are no limits to your imagination. Individual and unusual combinations or discreet yet extraordinary - the range has something to suit every style and taste.

The modern designs by s.luce provide the ideal basis and even after installation open up design options that can bathe the interior in a new light.

Thanks to LED, the desired brightness can be generated and a modern atmosphere created despite low energy consumption.

Up and down wall luminaires - always a good choice

Wall luminaires are a simple option for completely changing the effect of a room with little effort and for bringing fresh impetus to your own four walls. This applies not only to the living room at home or the staircase. The terrace can benefit just as much as the office, the waiting area or the dining room.

The versatility of s.luce wall luminaires and their stylish understatement make them the ideal choice for numerous styles and rooms. As understated as the design is, the lighting from them can be extravagant, creating a contrast that is a highlight in itself.

Use the special features of the Up and Down luminaire for accents that will enchant you time and again and create a feel-good atmosphere.

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